Sex and Sexuality HELLP THE VIRGIN PLZ

Ashwolf posted on Jul 23, 2010 at 06:35PM
Ok well my boyfriend wants us to have sex and im willing but.... IDK WHAT TO DO!!!! HELP PLZ

Sex and Sexuality 3 replies

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over a year ago doggee said…
hey..first of all, don't be panic beb.have it but force him for waring condom.have it safely with lot of foreplay before ..enjoy it.
I'm a guy and i know girls are always somewhat panic about it.but it's OK .BEST OF LUCK!
over a year ago Ashwolf said…
3 months ago AkazaUpperMoon3 said…
I am still a virgin, but then again I am only 15 soooo Idk I guess I am just waiting for somebody I like to say something. lol